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R Package Validation Report Workflow

This GitHub Actions workflow generates a validation report for an R package. The report is triggered by manual dispatch, workflow call, or the publication of a release. It’s mainly using the validatoR downstream action.

Workflow Structure

The workflow consists of a single job: r-pkg-validation.

r-pkg-validation Job

This job generates a validation report for a specified version of R. The report is built using thevalidatoR action and uploaded to the release upon success. The PDF report is then attached to the release within GitHub.

  • r-version: The version of R to use. Defaults to ‘release’.
  1. Get branch names: Extracts branch names.
  2. Checkout repo: Checks out the repository based on the event type (push or pull request).
  3. Normalize inputs: Normalizes the input R version, defaulting to ‘4.1’ if not specified.
  4. Restore cache: Restores cached dependencies.
  5. Run Staged dependencies: Executes staged dependencies action.
  6. Install dependencies from DESCRIPTION: install dependencies from DESCRIPTION (in case of missing dependencies in parent admiralci docker image)
  7. Build report: Uses thevalidatoR action to build the validation report.
  8. Upload report to release: Uploads the validation report to the release if the job is successful.


  • workflow_dispatch: Allows manual triggering of the workflow with the option to specify the R version.
  • workflow_call: Triggered by a workflow call event with the option to specify the R version.
  • release: Triggered on the publication of a release.


Concurrency settings are not specified in this workflow.


  • contents: write: Write permissions for repository contents.
  • packages: write: Write permissions for packages.
  • deployments: write: Write permissions for deployments.