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Check URLs Workflow

This GitHub Actions workflow checks URLs in documentation files. It runs on the main, devel, and pre-release branches for push events and specified pull request events.

Workflow Triggers

This workflow is triggered in the following ways:

  1. Push Events: Triggered on pushes to the main, devel, and pre-release branches.

  2. Pull Request Events: Triggered on pull requests when opened, synchronized, reopened, or ready for review for the main, devel, and pre-release branches.

  3. Manual Dispatch: You can manually trigger the workflow using the “workflow_dispatch” event.

  4. Workflow Call: The workflow can also be triggered by another workflow using the “workflow_call” event.

Workflow Setup

  • Concurrency: URL check jobs are organized by the pull request number or branch.
  • Cancel-in-progress: Allows canceling in-progress URL check jobs.

This job validates URLs in documentation files. It runs on Ubuntu 20.04.


  1. Checkout repo: Checks out the repository.

  2. Check URLs in docs: Uses the lycheeverse/lychee-action to check URLs in documentation files. It excludes private URLs, GitHub repository URLs, and additional specified patterns.

    • Parameters:
      • fail: true (Fails the workflow if broken links are found)
      • jobSummary: true (Provides a summary of link check results)
      • format: markdown (Outputs results in markdown format)
      • output: (Saves link check results to a file)
      • args: Additional arguments for link checking (includes exclusion patterns and file extensions)
    • Environment Variables:
      • GITHUB_TOKEN: GitHub token for authentication.

Note: It’s possible to ignore some links checks using .lycheeignore file.